
In Matlab, we can do

x = -10:.1:10;
f = inline('normpdf(x,3,2) + normpdf(x,-5,1)','x');
t = plot(x,f(x))

Do we have a similar function like inline in Python?

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I think the python equivalent of "Inline" would be lambda

 f = inline('normpdf(x,3,2) + normpdf(x,-5,1)','x');

 f = lambda x : normpdf(x,3,2) + normpdf(x,-5,1)
 # Assuming that normpdf is defined and in scope ;-)


Yes, in iPython notebook (and maybe Enthought Canopy?), you can set inline using the "magic function"

% pylab inline

You must restart the kernel for it to take effect (at least for iPython notebook versions anterior to 2.0)

You can use eval, which is a dangerous function (see e.g.

from numpy import *
x = np.arange(0, pi, 0.1)
f = eval('sin') # fill in any function
y = f(x)

or like assuming that the variable in your finction is always referred to as x

from numpy import *
x = np.arange(0, pi, 0.1)
y = eval('sin(x)')

that isn´t the same, because lambda does other thing, i just want replace values of my variable F in GRAD but using 'inline', this code is of matlab:

F= 3*X**2+2*X*Y+4*(Y-2)**2  
GRAD= inline([diff(F,X), diff(F,Y)])
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