
How to set the height for the < th > tag or the < table >. I found height=600px; as the property but its just going 600 pixels down from top of the screen but not setting the height of table as 600 px;

 <th style="width : 400px ;height:600px">
 <marquee direction=up behavior="scroll">

I'm just learning to grasp more grip on tables and marque tag. I need to scroll up some text say hello from bottom to top in the < th > tag but I'm unable to set the height. Its working good if I use direction=left or right because I have increased width but how do I set the height of the < th > or < table > . Well its increasing when I enter text but I want to do it explicitly

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you are doing it right as far as the table goes, for your marquee to expand vertically as far as its container just add style="height: 100%;" to it


i think by adding style with height 100% will solve ur problem.

  <marquee direction=up behavior="scroll" style="height:100%">
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