
Starting with pthreads, I cannot understand what is the business with pthread_key_t and pthread_once_t?

Would someone explain in simple terms with examples, if possible?


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No, it can't be explained in layman terms. Laymen cannot successfully program with pthreads in C++. It takes a specialist known as a "computer programmer" :-)

pthread_once_t is a little bit of storage which pthread_once must access in order to ensure that it does what it says on the tin. Each once control will allow an init routine to be called once, and once only, no matter how many times it is called from how many threads, possibly concurrently. Normally you use a different once control for each object you're planning to initialise on demand in a thread-safe way. You can think of it in effect as an integer which is accessed atomically as a flag whether a thread has been selected to do the init. But since pthread_once is blocking, I guess there's allowed to be a bit more to it than that if the implementation can cram in a synchronisation primitive too (the only time I ever implemented pthread_once, I couldn't, so the once control took any of 3 states (start, initialising, finished). But then I couldn't change the kernel. Unusual situation).

pthread_key_t is like an index for accessing thread-local storage. You can think of each thread as having a map from keys to values. When you add a new entry to TLS, pthread_key_create chooses a key for it and writes that key into the location you specify. You then use that key from any thread, whenever you want to set or retrieve the value of that TLS item for the current thread. The reason TLS gives you a key instead of letting you choose one, is so that unrelated libraries can use TLS, without having to co-operate to avoid both using the same value and trashing each others' TLS data. The pthread library might for example keep a global counter, and assign key 0 for the first time pthread_key_create is called, 1 for the second, and so on.


pthread_key_t is for creating thread thread-local storage: each thread gets its own copy of a data variable, instead of all threads sharing a global (or function-static, class-static) variable. The TLS is indexed by a key. See pthread_getspecific et al for more details.

pthread_once_t is a control for executing a function only once with pthread_once. Suppose you have to call an initialization routine, but you must only call that routine once. Furthermore, the point at which you must call it is after you've already started up multiple threads. One way to do this would be to use pthread_once(), which guarantees that your routine will only be called once, no matter how many threads try to call it at once, so long as you use the same control variable in each call. It's often easier to use pthread_once() than it is to use other alternatives.

Wow, the other answers here are way too verbose.

pthread_once_t stores state for pthread_once(). Calling pthread_once(&s, fn) calls fn and sets the value pointed to by s to record the fact it has been executed. All subsequent calls to pthread_once() are noops. The name should become obvious now.

pthread_once_t should be initialized to PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT.

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