
You are asking what does permanent mean, I don't know either, it's just the most accurate to describe my situation.
I have this html button :

<button type="button" 
        class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" data-follow="follow" 

      <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span>  

I added a click event as follows :

 $("button[data-follow=follow]").click(function(e) {//scenario1});

in a given case , this code gets executed :


and I have this listner :

$("button[data-follow=unfollow]").click(function(e) {//scenario2});

when I click on the button again it fires scenario1, when it should fire scenario2 ?

Does anybody know anything about what's happening ?

Was it helpful?


Then we have to use event-delegation at this context,

$(document).on('click',"button[data-follow=follow]",function(e) {//scenario1});

$(document).on('click',"button[data-follow=unfollow]",function(e) {//scenario2});

See i had suggested document to implement event delegation but you should use any closest static parent in relative to the supplied selector.


After changing the attribute again you need to assign the click functionality

immediate statement
$("button[data-follow=unfollow]").click(function(e) {//scenario2});

or you can use event deligation

$(document).on('click',"button[data-follow=follow]",function(e) {//scenario1});

$(document).on('click',"button[data-follow=unfollow]",function(e) {//scenario2});
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