
I have web app which interact to WCF service with task-based async functions. When i was writing a unit tests i encountered with a problem about mocking async functions calls. I think no need to show unnecessary business logic because all fails only on these async calls. I've tried to do this in two ways, the first was:

public async Task GetAndSentSentinelList_AddedTest()
    var mockRemoteClient = new Mock<IRemoteManager>();
    mockRemoteClient.Setup(method => method.GetSentinelListAsync(new GetSentinelListRequest()))
        .Returns(Task.FromResult(new GetSentinelListResponse(new RemoteManager.SentinelItem[4]
            new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Identity_Host"},
            new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Nose_Host"},
            new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Sunny_Host"},
            new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Ups_Supsu"}

    var rep = new Repository(hub)
        Client = mockRemoteClient.Object,
        Sentinels = new List<SentinelItem>()
            new Item() {Id = "Identity_Host"},
            new Item() {Id = "Nose_Host"},
            new Item() {Id = "Sunny_Host"}

    var res = await rep.Client.GetSentinelListAsync(new GetSentinelListRequest());

    Assert.IsNotNull(res );


The next was:

    public async Task GetAndSentSentinelList_AddedTest()

            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<GetSentinelListResponse>();

            var expectedResult = new GetSentinelListResponse(new RemoteManager.SentinelItem[4]
                    new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Identity_Host"},
                    new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Nose_Host"},
                    new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Sunny_Host"},
                    new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Ups_Supsu"}


            var mockRemoteClient = new Mock<IRemoteManager>();
            mockRemoteClient.Setup(method => method.GetSentinelListAsync(new GetSentinelListRequest()))

            var rep = new Repository(hub)
                Client = mockRemoteClient.Object,
                Sentinels = new List<SentinelItem>()
                    new Item() {Id = "Identity_Host"},
                    new Item() {Id = "Nose_Host"},
                    new Item() {Id = "Sunny_Host"}

            var res = await rep.Client.GetSentinelListAsync(new GetSentinelListRequest());


Perhaps i'll add generated code, cause at now i confused why it isn't working properly, generated abstract interface IRemoteManager:

 [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
 [System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute(ConfigurationName="RemoteManager.IRemoteManager", CallbackContract=typeof(Web_Manager.RemoteManager.IRemoteManagerCallback))]
public interface IRemoteManager 
    [System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action="", ReplyAction="")]
    System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Web_Manager.RemoteManager.GetSentinelListResponse> GetSentinelListAsync(Web_Manager.RemoteManager.GetSentinelListRequest request);


And concrete generated implementation of IRemoteManager, - RemoteManagerClient:

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
public partial class RemoteManagerClient : System.ServiceModel.DuplexClientBase<Web_Manager.RemoteManager.IRemoteManager>, Web_Manager.RemoteManager.IRemoteManager {
    System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Web_Manager.RemoteManager.GetSentinelListResponse> Web_Manager.RemoteManager.IRemoteManager.GetSentinelListAsync(Web_Manager.RemoteManager.GetSentinelListRequest request) {
        return base.Channel.GetSentinelListAsync(request);
Was it helpful?


I am not that familiar with Moq, but one thing you can try is to pass the same SentinelListRequest when you setup the mock and also when you call it.

public async Task GetAndSentSentinelList_AddedTest()
    var sentinelRequest = new GetSentinelListRequest();
    var mockRemoteClient = new Mock<IRemoteManager>();
    mockRemoteClient.Setup(method => method.GetSentinelListAsync(sentinelRequest))
        .Returns(Task.FromResult(new GetSentinelListResponse(new RemoteManager.SentinelItem[4]
            new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Identity_Host"},
            new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Nose_Host"},
            new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Sunny_Host"},
            new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Ups_Supsu"}

    var rep = new Repository(hub)
        Client = mockRemoteClient.Object,
        Sentinels = new List<SentinelItem>()
            new Item() {Id = "Identity_Host"},
            new Item() {Id = "Nose_Host"},
            new Item() {Id = "Sunny_Host"}

    var res = await rep.Client.GetSentinelListAsync(sentinelRequest);

    Assert.IsNotNull(res );

Another option might be to specify to ignore the arguments to the call using something like this

mockRemoteClient.Setup(method => method.GetSentinelListAsync(It.IsAny<SentinelGetRequest>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult(new GetSentinelListResponse(new RemoteManager.SentinelItem[4]
                new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Identity_Host"},
                new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Nose_Host"},
                new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Sunny_Host"},
                new RemoteManager.Item() {Id = "Ups_Supsu"}
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