
I'm trying to check if a std::complex number that is a result of a fourier transform (using contains a NaN in either the real or imag part.

I'm using Borland C++, so I don't have access to std::isnan. I have tried to check if the number is NaN by comparing it to itself:

(n.imag() != n.imag())

However, as soon as I call the n.imag() or std::imag(n), I get a "floating point invalid operation".

Is there any way to validate if a std::complex is good; if it contains a NaN?

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Solution 4

I found out that Borland has its own math library. So if you want to avoid floating point errors, use IsNan from Borlands Math.


This works on g++ :


int main(){

  double x=sqrt(-1.);
  std::complex<double> c(sqrt(-1.), 2.);


  std::cout<< ( (c!=c) ? "yup" : "nope" )<<"\n";

From the float.h header

int _isnan(double d);

Returns a nonzero value (TRUE) if the value passed in is a NaN; otherwise it returns 0 (FALSE).

int _fpclass(double __d);

Returns an integer value that indicates the floating-point class of its argument. The possible values are defined in FLOAT.H (NaN, INF, etc.)

Is there fpclassify() in math.h? It should return FP_NAN for NaNs. Or better yet use isnan(). If there are no such functions/macros, you may look at the binary representation of your floats or doubles and check manually for NaNs. See IEEE-754 single and double precision formats for details.

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