
I have created a HDInsight Cluster via PowerShell and have enabled the RDP Access to it by logging into Azure Management Portal. However, I wanted to know if it is possible to enable RDP Access to a HDInsight Cluster via PowerShell. If yes, please give some pointers.

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Solution 2

Current version of HDInsight does not offer alternatives to the portal to enable RDP.


Use below command to create RDP enabled cluster. Command to be used with to be used with Azure ARM PowerShell, 1.0.1 or later – you can install Azure RM PS via web platform installer or follow this blog Provide values for -RdpAccessExpiry and -RdpCredential in the command.

New-AzureRmHDInsightCluster [-Location] [-ResourceGroupName] [-ClusterName] [-ClusterSizeInNodes] [-HttpCredential] [[-DefaultStorageAccountName] ] [[-DefaultStorageAccountKey] ] [-AadTenantId ] [-AdditionalStorageAccounts ] [-SshCredential ] [-SshPublicKey ] [-SubnetName ] [-Version ] [-VirtualNetworkId ] [-WorkerNodeSize ] [-ZookeeperNodeSize ] [ ]

Not sure about HDInsight instances, but this is now much simpler in VM instances, using the new Extensions:


Get-AzureVM -ServiceName clmar4ws12r2b -Name clmar4ws12r2b | 
        Set-AzureVMAccessExtension | 
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