
$products = Product::with(
        'productDescriptions' => function($query) {
        'productImages' => function($query) {

Hi, is there an easy way to eager load relationships but only if they exists? More specifically I would like to get only these products, if their productDescriptions are not empty. In SQL I would simply do a inner join, but how to do it an easy way in Eloquent? I could foreach over all returned products and check if $product->productDescription->count() > 0 but maybe there is simpler way to achieve that.

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There are 2 methods for this: has and whereHas:

$products = Product::with(   // this part will load the relation
    'productDescriptions' => function($query) {
    'productImages' => function($query) {
  ->has('productDescriptions') // this will make sure only Products having related descriptions will be fetched


You can do Eager Load Constraints as seen in the docs.

So you would need to do something LIKE this (not tested - but you get the idea):

$products = Product::with(
        'productDescriptions' => function($query) {
             $query->where('productDescription', '!=', '')->lang(App::getLocale());
        'productImages' => function($query) {
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