
I have an environment variable containing the name of a directory. I am trying to redirect output from an echo command to a text file in a different directory.

For example

mkdir $DIR
echo "Testing" >> "$DIR\file.txt"

Results in a file named NewDirectory\file.txt in the working directory of the script...what exactly am I missing here? The directory is created without issue, so I am not sure what is going on here.

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You have to change \ into /:

mkdir -p $DIR
echo "Testing" >> "$DIR/file.txt"

Changed mkdir -p as suggested by @Jord, because -p means: no error if existing, make parent directories as needed


In (or for that matter), the directory separator is a slash (/), not a backslash (\):

mkdir $DIR
echo "Testing" >> "$DIR/file.txt"

Your line

echo "Testing" >> "$DIR\file.txt"

should read

echo "Testing" >> "$DIR/file.txt"

as / is the separator in paths in Linux.

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