
I am used to writing things in html and one of the things I commonly do is make partially transparent patterns so that I can just change the background color instead of having to make a separate image for each color. I was wondering if there was something similar I can do on the Android. Right now I have a small image (5x5 pixels) that I repeat using an xml file in the drawables folder. It is used in the background of a scroll view which right now has a linear layout inside. Switching to a relative layout so that I can have an imageview would require a lot of programming changes so I'm wondering if there isn't an easier way.

Everywhere I have looked for a solution, the answers are a year or two old and they say to use two separate views, but it just seems like this is something that should have been implemented by now. And yes from a programming standpoint changing colors is just as easy as changing images, but it would just be a lot easier to be able to change the color instead of having to make an image for each new color.

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You can use a Layer List drawable to achieve this. First add the color, then the bitmap.

If you prefer to create it programmatically instead of via resource files, use the LayerDrawable class.


Below code for black:-

<color name="black">#000000</color>

Now if i want to use opacity than you can use below code :-

<color name="black">#99000000</color> 

and below for opacity code:-

Hex Opacity Values

100% — FF 95% — F2 90% — E6 85% — D9 80% — CC 75% — BF 70% — B3 65% — A6 60% — 99 55% — 8C 50% — 80 45% — 73 40% — 66 35% — 59 30% — 4D 25% — 40 20% — 33 15% — 26 10% — 1A 5% — 0D 0% — 00

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