
I need a function that takes the name of a symbol as a string and returns whether that symbol is already defined. The function ValueQ is close but it returns False for function names. Also, it takes symbols rather than strings.


defined["N"] --> True (predefined function N)
defined["x"] --> False
x = 7;
defined["x"] --> True (x is now defined)
defined["7"] --> True (7 is a number)
f[x_] := 2x
defined["f"] --> True (f has DownValues)
g[x_][y_] := x+y
defined["g"] --> True (g has SubValues)

PS: Thanks to Pillsy for pointing out the need to check for both DownValues and SubValues.

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Solution 2

I cobbled this together, which seems to work:

defined[s_] := ToExpression["ValueQ[" <> s <> "]"] || 
               Head@ToExpression[s] =!= Symbol || 
               ToExpression["Attributes[" <> s <> "]"] =!= {} ||
               ToExpression["DownValues[" <> s <> "]"] =!= {} ||
               ToExpression["SubValues[" <> s <> "]"] =!= {}

Hopefully there's a prettier solution.

PS: Thanks to Pillsy for pointing out the need to check for both DownValues and SubValues.


I think Names should do the trick:

Names["string"] gives a list of the names of symbols which match the string.

If Names["foo"] returns {}, then there should be no definitions for foo, otherwise it should return {"foo"}. So your function 'defined' might be done as:

defined[str_] := Names[str] != {}

For symbols at least, because this doesn't work for "7", since 7 is not a symbol. You could handle this case seperately, for instance with NumberQ.

Also, you can use Symbol to make a symbol out of a string (useful for automatically generating symbols) and Definition to check the definitions of a symbol.

Symbol["name"] refers to a symbol with the specified name.

Definition[symbol] prints as the definitions given for a symbol.

EDIT: Better than looking at what Names returns, NameQ["name"] tells you if a given name exists. Still doesn't tell you if the symbol has an explicit definition though, just that it has been mentioned.

You can use DownValues to see if you have "functions" associated with a symbol. This will work for definitions like

f[x_, y_] := x + y


g[3] = 72 * a;

It won't work for exotic things like

h[a_][b] = "gribble";

but most people won't think of that as defining a function anyway. If you want to check for the existence of a function definition, you need to convert the name to an expression (and make sure it's wrapped in Hold when you do!). Here's a reasonably robust function that checks for both DownValues and SubValues:

functionNameQ[name_String] := 
    With[{ hSymbol = ToExpression[name, InputForm, Hold] },
        MatchQ[hSymbol, Hold[_Symbol]] &&
            ((DownValues @@ hName) =!= {} || (SubValues @@ hName) =!= {})];
defined[str_] := Not[ToString[FullDefinition[str]] === ""]
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