CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory. UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows Directory [duplicate]



Just coding in C++ on visual studios and when i run the program it executes and then outputs this.

I believe it may be because i am running VS on parallels? Could this possibly be why? and if so, any way to get rid of it?

error message:

'\\psf\home\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Object_Oriented_Coursework\Object_Oriented_Coursework' 
CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory. 
UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows Directory. 
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without more details... it looks like you've opened your sln file from a UNC path... which means the execution when running from within VS should use the UNC path but it is not allowed.

Solution to be clear: Instead of accessing \share\folder\file.sln, create a drive Z: that maps \share\folder and then open Z:\file.sln

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