
Im using the following reg-ex which is working great but the only problem is that you cannot mix symbols like


it always should have the same sperator

like aaa-bbb-cccc


How can I change it ?

The Value should have

hyphen ‘-‘,
Underscore ‘_’
Slash ‘/’
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First off, A-z gives you too wide of a range. In ASCII (and Unicode) there are characters between uppercase 'Z' and lowercase 'a' that are not letters or numbers. You can use the regex escape sequence \w for word characters or A-Za-z. Both are equivalent.

Also, it looks like you know you'll always have three sections so the lazy indicators are unnecessary.


This will ensure you have the same separator which can be a hyphen, slash, or underscore. Whatever the separator is it will separate 3 groups of alphanumeric characters.

Is this what you're looking for?


To make sure the symbol is the same throughout you should use a back reference, e.g.


The \1 will have to be whatever symbol was matched in the [_/-]

Also you are using [A-z] which almost certainly doesn't do what you think it does, the characters between uppercase A and lowercase z are:


You probably want [A-Za-z]

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