
Could someone please help me with django template system. This is my setup in views:

html_vars = {
             'some_var1': 'some_val1',
             'some_var2': 'some_val2',
             'cat': {
                     't_cat21' : { 'cats': ['val21_1', 'val21_2', 'val21_3'], 'info': 'text21' },
                     't_cat22' : { 'cats': ['val22_1', 'val22_2', 'val22_3'], 'info': 'text22' },
                     't_cat23' : { 'cats': ['val23_1', 'val23_2', 'val23_3'], 'info': 'text23' },

def home(request):
    render_to_response('home.html', html_vars)

I want to get this result in html:

t_cat21 (text21) - val21_1, val21_2, val21_3
t_cat22 (text22) - val22_1, val22_2, val22_3
t_cat23 (text23) - val23_1, val23_2, val23_3

But I'am having problems at reading data from django template. I understand the starting point:

{% for category, values in cat.items %}
  {{ category }}
{% endfor %}

And then I'm stuck (


Thanks for help. Unfortunately cannot vote the answer yet.

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Well, inside the loop values is the inner dict. So you can extract the values you need from there:

{{ category }} ({{ }}) - {{ values.cats|join:", " }}


Try this:

{% for category, item in cat.items %}
    {{ category }} ({{ }}) - {% for val in item.cats %}{{ val }} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

The dot notation will, in this order, try a dictionary lookup, an attribute lookup and a list-index lookup. That means will be your info text, and item.cats will be your list of values.

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