
Microsoft's own documentation does not seem to be very forthcoming about what I need to do to write software that can validate a user against Active Directory Federation Services (aka single sign on with AD).

Apparently, WIF (Windows Identity Foundation) is part of .NET 4.5, which I will be developing against. I am on a Windows 7 machine with VS2013. When trying to write a web page that authenticates a user belonging to a foreign Active Directory, which assembly do I need to reference, and what is the proper way to acquire it?

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The core WIF is implemented in System.IdentityModel.dll.

You don't have to "acquire it", it is a part of .NET 4.5 so you just open up the reference tab, switch to system libraries and select the System.IdentityModel from there.

You will also probably need System.IdentityModel.Services to have an access to WIF's web infrastructure, namely SessionAuthenticationModule and WSFederationAuthenticationModule.

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