
Okay I've been having an issue with writing results to folders in JMeter.

I have set 2 variables, one for the name of the test and one for the submit date. I want the reports to be written to the folder named with these two variables.

Here's the variables:

TestRun = "Name of test"
DateRun = $__{time(dd-MMM-yyyy}

The path of the folder to be written to looks like this:


When I run it on the master machine, it's fine. It saves to the correct file and folder path, and ends up looking something like this:

C:\Tests\TestEnvironment\Results\Test Run 1 - 08-May-2014 08.55.47\file.csv

However, when I run it on remote machines, it saves it literally as below:


So I end up with a folder named "${TestRun}${DateRun}"

Am I missing something blindingly obvious, or is this an actual JMeter issue?


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As per JMeter help:

    -G, --globalproperty <argument>=<value>
            Define Global properties (sent to servers)
            e.g. -Gport=123

You need to use -G key so your variables could be distributed across remote clients.

so something like:

jmeter -r -n GTestRun=SomeName -GDateRun=SomeTime -t /path/to/your/plan

should help.

Alternatively you can create a .properties file and pass it to remote JMeter Engines via the same "-G" option.

I expect that if you want to use JMeter __time() function you'll need to wrap it with __eval, elsewise it will be treated as a string. Alternatively you can use operating system commands to retrieve current date and time.

See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on dealing with JMeter Properties.

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