
Given the following:

Foo has_many :bars, :through => :baz


Foo accepts_nested_attributes_for :bar

I want to do a find_or_create_by_name when I add a new :bar, but I don't know where I can have some sort of before_add functionality.

The background of this question is Bar validates_uniqueness_of :name, which gives errors when I try to create a new Foo that is using an existing Bar.

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Wow I must be tired:

class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :bars, :through => :baz, :before_add => :some_callback

  def some_callback(b)

But still, in the some_callback portion, what to do? I've tried things like b = Bar.find_or_create_by_name( but that doesn't work either.

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