
I have the following:

<script type="text/javascript">
function CancelFormButton(button) {

<form onsubmit="alert('here');">
<input type="button" value="Cancel" onClick="CancelFormButton(this);" />

When I click the "Cancel" button, the onsubmit from the form tag is not triggered.

This line instead submits the form successfully: $(button.form).submit(); but skips the alert('here'); within the onsubmit in the form tag.

Is this correct or am I doing something wrong?

By the way, in this case, I want this functionality, but I'm just wondering if I'm going to run into a problem in a browser where the onsubmit is triggered.

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Sorry, misunderstood your question.

According to Javascript - capturing onsubmit when calling form.submit():

I was recently asked: "Why doesn't the form.onsubmit event get fired when I submit my form using javascript?"

The answer: Current browsers do not adhere to this part of the html specification. The event only fires when it is activated by a user - and does not fire when activated by code.

(emphasis added).

Note: "activated by a user" also includes hitting submit buttons (probably including default submit behaviour from the enter key but I haven't tried this). Nor, I believe, does it get triggered if you (with code) click a submit button.


This work around will fix the issue found by @Cletus.

function submitForm(form) {
    //get the form element's document to create the input control with
    //(this way will work across windows in IE8)
    var button = form.ownerDocument.createElement('input');
    //make sure it can't be seen/disrupts layout (even momentarily) = 'none';
    //make it such that it will invoke submit if clicked
    button.type = 'submit';
    //append it and click it
    //if it was prevented, make sure we don't get a build up of buttons

Will work on all modern browsers.
Will work across tabs/spawned child windows (yes, even in IE<9).
And is in vanilla!

Just pass it a DOM reference to a form element and it'll make sure all the attached listeners, the onsubmit, and (if its not prevented by then) finally, submit the form.

My simple solution:


It is work for me.

I suppose it's reasonable to want this behavior in some cases, but I would argue that code not triggering a form submission should (always) be the default behavior. Suppose you want to catch a form's submission with


and then do some validation on the input. If code could trigger submit handlers, you could never include


inside this handler because it would result in an infinite loop (the SAME handler would be called, prevent the submission, validate, and resubmit). You need to be able to manually submit a form inside a submit handler without triggering the same handler.

I realize this doesn't ANSWER the question directly, but there are lots of other answers on this page about how this functionality can be hacked, and I felt that this needed to be pointed out (and it's too long for a comment).

trigger('submit') does not work.beacuse onSubmit method does not get fired. the following code works for me, call onSubmit method when using this code :


Try to trigger() event in your function:

$("form").trigger('submit'); // and then... do submit()

Instead of


try this

 $("<input type='submit' id='btn_tmpSubmit'/>").css('display','none').appendTo('form');

I found this question serval years ago.

recently I tried to "rewrite" the submit method. below is my code

window.onload= function (){
for(var i= 0;i<document.forms.length;i++){
    (function (p){
        var form= document.forms[i];
        var originFn= form.submit;
        form.submit=function (){
            //do something you like
            alert("submitting "" using submit method !");
        form.onsubmit= function (){
            alert("submitting "" with onsubmit event !");



<form method="get" action="" id="form1">
<input type="submit" value="提交form1" />
<input type="button" name="" id="" value="button模拟提交1" onclick="document.forms[0].submit();" /></form>

It did in IE,but failed in other browsers for the same reason as "cletus"

The easiest solution to workaround this is to create 'temporary' input with type submit and trigger click:

var submitInput = $("<input type='submit' />");
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