
shortLinesOnly :: IO ()
shortLinesOnly = interact result
        shortLength     = 11
        onlyShorts      = (<= shortLength) . length
        shortLines      = filter onlyShorts . lines
        result          = unlines . shortLines
        interact result = getContents >>= putStr . result

In the above code how can I write the interact function in point free style.

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Step by step:

interact r = getContents >>= putStr . r
interact r = (getContents >>=) (putStr . r)
interact r = (getContents >>=) $ (putStr .) $ r
interact = (getContents >>=) . (putStr .)


The best answer is: Don't. For this particular example the only change that would make is that your code would be less readable. Your original pointy variant is perfectly fine.

In certain cases it is better to avoid pointfree style. This is one of them, because your argument does not undergo linear data flow. It is rather used to build the data flow for something else. Example:

-- Bad: Pointy linear data flow description.
chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksOf n xs =
    takeWhile (not . null) (map (take n) (iterate (drop n) xs))

-- Good: Pointfree linear data flow description.
chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksOf n =
    takeWhile (not . null) . map (take n) . iterate (drop n)

-- Bad: Now exaggerating with pointfree style.
chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksOf =
    liftA2 ((.) (.) . (.) $ takeWhile (not . null))
           (map . take)
           (iterate . drop)
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