
By default a form_row( is rendered as something like:

<div><label for="form_name" class=" required">Name</label><input type="text" id="form_name" name="form[name]" required="required" maxlength="45" value=""></div>

How/where can I change the behaviour of form_row() to for example:

<div class="someClassName"><label for="form_name" class=" required">Name</label></div><div class="someOtherClassName"><input type="text" id="form_name" name="form[name]" required="required" maxlength="45" value=""></div>
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You can check this URL:

There's a paragraph about customizing form_row().

Here's a simple example. By default, form_row() would create a simple html structure like this:


{{ form_row(, { 'label' : 'Your email address' }) }}


    <label for="register_email" class=" required">Your email address</label>
    <input type="email" id="register_email" name="register[email]" required="required" />

So, according to the docs, you can create a new twig template, and add class="form_row" to surrounding the field and label. Place it in YourBundle/views/Form/fields.html.twig and put the following code in there:

{% block field_row %}
<div class="form_row">
    {{ form_label(form) }}
    {{ form_errors(form) }}
    {{ form_widget(form) }}
{% endblock field_row %}

In your template file, add the following line:

{% form_theme form 'YourBundle:Form:fields.html.twig' %}

Now, the form_row template from that file you created will be used, and will return the following HTML code:

<div class="form_row">
    <label for="register_email" class=" required">Email</label>        
    <input type="email" id="register_email" name="register[email]" required="required" />

Hope that it helps.

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