
I'm modifying Flask MiniTwit example to implement twitter-like message reply system, each message has a 'reply' button. I'd like to expand a new div to display replies as well as an input area When a 'reply' button for a specified message was clicked. but now I don't know how to define the 'reply' button in my jinja template.

current my code is like following:

<a href=# data-messageid="{{message._id}}" id="reply">

so how to differentiate each 'reply' hyperlink button in my jQuery code?

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<div class="replymessage" id="message{{message._id}}">content</div>
<a href="#message{{message._id}}" class="reply">Reply</a>

$('.reply').click( function () {
    var item =  $(this).attr('href');

Demo Here

Basically you use the dynamic id number in the href of the button, then in the ID for the corresponding div. This way when you click a link with the href, the div with the same ID opens.


Your current template will result in an invalid HTML document (assuming the template is expanded more than once): id values must be unique in the document, so you can't just have "reply" as the id.

I'd probably change "reply" from an id to a class. Then you can hook them all directly:

$("a.reply").click(function(event) { ... });

...or using delegation:

$("container_for_replies").delegate("a.reply", "click", function(event) { ... });

(Using jQuery 1.7 and up, you can use on instead of delegate; note that the order of arguments is different.)

Within your event handler, this will refer to the specific a element that was clicked, so you can (for instance) get your data-messageid attribute like this:

var messageid = $(this).attr("data-messageid");

...and do anything else you like with the structure around the reply link.

First of all, since the 'reply' button appear with each message, do not use id="reply". class="reply" will be better.

And I think this is what you want:

<a href=# data-messageid="1" class="reply">Reply</a>
<a href=# data-messageid="2" class="reply">Reply</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $().ready(function () {
        $('.reply').click(function (argument) {
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