
Suppose I Branch Solution-A, changeset 10 into Solution-B.

Later on, I realize Solution-B should not have changeset 7 in it.

Is there a way to rollback changeset 7 just from Solution B without harming solution A?

Whenever I use tf rollback, all the pending changes go to Solution-A.

Thanks in advance !

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You have to rollback the changeset that has the merges to solution b, and then reapply the merge without changeset 7.


I know this is an old question, but this may help anybody who has the same problem. Especially when you need to rollback a changeset, which was checked in long ago on another branch.

Update WORKSPACE_ROOT and TFS_BRANCH_ROOT in the following batch file. Name it e.g. RollbackMigrate.cmd and run it always from the workspace root.

This batch file will:

  1. Parse arguments - only one argument is the change set number
  2. Find the name of current workspace and it's path on TFS
  3. Find the TFS source path for migration
  4. Map the source into current workspace
  5. Rollback the change set
  6. Create shelve set and undo check out
  7. Remove the temporary mapping
  8. Unshelve the previously created shelve set and migrate it
    • you just need to auto merge the shelveset in a new window
  9. Delete the temporary shelve set
  10. Checkin
    • you just need to update the comment, notes and work item link

@echo off

set WORKSPACE_ROOT=D:\PathToMyWorkspaces
set TFS_BRANCH_ROOT=$/Project/Branches

echo Rollback changes from another branch
if [%1]==[] (
    set /P CHANGESET=Enter changeset number: 
    if [!CHANGESET!]==[] (
        echo Changeset number is required! Exiting!
        exit /B 1
) else (
    set CHANGESET=%1
set SHELVE_NAME="Auto shelved rollback of %CHANGESET%"

for %%i in (.) do (
    set WORKSPACE=%%~nxi
    echo This script works only in the root of workspace e.g. D:\PathToMyWorkspaces\MyWorkspace
    exit /B 1
echo Current workspace is %WORKSPACE%
for /f %%i in ('tf workspaces %WORKSPACE% /noprompt /format:detailed ^| grep -om 1 "$/[^:]\+"') do (
    if not [%DST%]==[] (
        echo Cannot work on workspaces with more mappings! Exiting!
        exit /B 2
    set DST=%%i
    echo Found destination path for migration: "%%i"

for /f %%i in ('tf changeset 1570888 ^| grep -om 1 "%TFS_BRANCH_ROOT%/[^/]\+/[^/]\+"') do (
    set SRC=%%i
    echo Found source path for migration: "%%i"
if [%SRC%]==[] (
    echo Cannot find path to source branch! Exiting!
    exit /B 3
for %%i in (%SRC%) do (
    set SRC_BRANCH=%%~nxi

echo Create temporary mapping for source branch in %TMP_SRC_PATH%
mkdir %TMP_SRC_PATH%
echo Creating mapping for "%SRC%" to "%TMP_SRC_PATH%"
tf workfold /map %SRC% %TMP_SRC_PATH%
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
    echo Can't create mapping for "%SRC%", exiting!
    exit /B 4

echo Performing rollback of changeset %CHANGESET%
tf rollback /changeset:%CHANGESET% /lock:checkin /keepmergehistory

echo Shelving rollback
tf shelve /comment:%SHELVE_NAME% %SHELVE_NAME% /noprompt /move /replace

echo Unmapping "%SRC%" from "%TMP_SRC_PATH%"
tf workfold /unmap "%TMP_SRC_PATH%"
echo Deleting "%TMP_SRC_PATH%"
rmdir /S /Q "%TMP_SRC_PATH%"

echo Unshelving the rollback...
tfpt unshelve /migrate /source:"%SRC%" /target:"%DST%" %SHELVE_NAME% /noprompt

echo Deleting the shelveset
tf shelve /delete %SHELVE_NAME% /noprompt

echo Checking in the rollback...
tf checkin

I recommend using the TFPT.exe which comes with the power tools pack:

High level overview:

  1. From the workspace mapping of Solution-B rollback the changeset
  2. Commit the change for the workspace mapping in Solution-B


  1. c:\workspace\mapping\to\solution\b> tfpt rollback /changeset:7
  2. c:\workspace\mapping\to\solution\b> tf commit

Finally I did something like below.

  1. Rollback changeset 7 on Solution-A and checkin. This will create changeset 11 on Solution-A
  2. Merge the changeset 11 to Solution-B branch
  3. Rollback changes 11 on Solution-A branch and checkin which will create changeset 12 on Solution-A

In future merges to Solution-B from Solution-A skip merging changeset 12.

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