
I want to upload a list of users from my work's LDAP server to upload into our wiki as a company directory. How can I download a list of users from an LDAP server using Perl?


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Use the NET::LDAP module.

A little example from the POD:

use Net::LDAP;

$ldap = Net::LDAP->new( '' ) or die "$@";

$mesg = $ldap->bind ;    # an anonymous bind

$mesg = $ldap->search( # perform a search
                       base   => "c=US",
                       filter => "(&(sn=Barr) (o=Texas Instruments))"
$mesg->code && die $mesg->error;

foreach $entry ($mesg->entries) { $entry->dump; }

$mesg = $ldap->unbind;   # take down session
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