
I'm wanting to write a couple commands for the NuGet package manager console to insert Gists from GitHub. I have 4 basic commands

  • List-Gists 'user'
  • Gist-Info 'gistId'
  • Gist-Contents 'gistId' 'fileName'
  • Gist-Insert 'gistId' 'fileName'

All of my commands depend on a couple utility functions, and I'm struggling with whether they need to be global or not.

# Json Parser
function parseJson([string]$json, [bool]$throwError = $true) {    
    try {
        $result = $serializer.DeserializeObject( $json );    
        return $result;
    } catch {                
        if($throwError) { throw "ERROR: Parsing Error"}
        else { return $null }            

function downloadString([string]$stringUrl) {
    try {        
        return $webClient.DownloadString($stringUrl)
    } catch {         
        throw "ERROR: Problem downloading from $stringUrl"

function parseUrl([string]$url) {
    return parseJson(downloadString($url));

Can I just have these utility functions outside of my global functions, or will I need to include them in each of the global functions definition scope somehow?

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No they don't. From your init.ps1 you can import a powershell module that you wrote (psm1) file and moving forward, this will be the way we recommend adding methods to the console environment.

Your init.ps1 would look something like this:

param($installPath, $toolsPath)
Import-Module (Join-Path $toolsPath MyModule.psm1)

In MyModule.psm1:

function MyPrivateFunction {
    "Hello World"

function Get-Value {

# Export only the Get-Value method from this module so that's what gets added to the nuget console environment
Export-ModuleMember Get-Value

You can get more information on modules here

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