
I have this dictoinary:

Dim chardict As Dictionary(Of Char, Integer) = Nothing
chardict.Add("A", 0)
chardict.Add("B", 1)

I wanted to do the following if statement but I am a bit stuck on the syntax:

if chardict.containskey("A")
    'display the value that corrosponds to the letter "A"
    'in this case display the character 0
    [some code]
end if

Thanks in advance

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Your syntax seems correct

If dictionary.ContainsKey("A") Then
End If

what error you are getting?


Just pass value to dictionary and it will return you a Key means if you dictionary is as follows:

Private Status As New Dictionary (Of String, String)
Status.Add("Y", "Married")
Status.Add("N", "Single")
Status.Add("X", "Its Complicated")

Below line of code will return you key

Dim Key As String = Status("Single")

Key = N

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