
I want to use my code behind (C#) to check and see if a user is logged in or not on page load. I assume this is really basic, but I'm still new to .net

This is basically what I want:

if(loggedIn == true){ do something }
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If you are using the built in .net Forms Authentication, then you can use the following

if ( HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated){
     do something

Make sure you have your settings in the web.config set up for using FormsAuthentication


if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
    // do something

assuming you're using FormsAuthentication.

If however, you're using a Session based login, you can do a nullable check, just like this:

if (HttpContext.Current.Session["somevalue"] != null)
    // do something

Check whether User.Identity.Name is an empty string or not.

If you are using Membership you can just call GetUser() with no arguments. It results the logged in user if the user is logged in.

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