
Im using TeamCity with Gallio/XUnit/Specflow and trying to display our unit/acceptance test results. I believe the output is NUnit xml test result format.

Our unit tests auotmatically display using the command runner with Gallio. The acceptance tests are run through a large Powershell script which calls Gallio (Run-Gallio).

Results are output to acceptance-test-results.xml. Is there a way to display the acceptance-test-results.xml in TeamCity (6.5.5)?

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To do this in a PowerShell script add the following

 Write-Output "##teamcity[importData type='nunit' path='C:\SomeDirectory\YourResults.xml']"


You can use built in TeamCity feature importdata service message:

 <!-- Send to TeamCity a service message using MSBuild -->
<Message Text="##teamcity[importData 
         Importance="High" />

For more details see: Build Script Interaction with TeamCity - Importing XML Reports

Thought this might be useful also for other people that came to this SO post with slightly different requirements. It's the public wiki for TC that covers this particular area.

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