
I'm using Rob Conery's Massive for database access. I want to wrap a transaction around a couple of inserts but the second insert uses the identity returned from the first insert. It's not obvious to me how to do this in a transaction. Some assistance would be appreciated.

var commandList = new List<DbCommand>
                LastModifiedBy = userId,
                LastModifiedDate = modifiedDate,
                ContactId = ????, <-- how to set Id as identity from previous command
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Can you just do it in a stored proc? The you can use scope_identity or better yet the output clause to get the value(s) you need. And all the inserts to all the tables are in one transaction which can be rolled back if any of them fail.


Make a query between those two inserts, this method from Massive may be useful:

public object Scalar(string sql, params object[] args) {
    object result = null;
    using (var conn = OpenConnection()) {
        result = CreateCommand(sql, conn, args).ExecuteScalar();
    return result;

Your sql will be = "select scope_identity()"

UPDATE 2013/02/26

Looking again at the Massive code there is no reliable way to retrieve last inserted ID.

Code above will work only when connection that makes "select scope_identity()" is pooled. (It must be the same connection that made insert).

Massive table.Insert(..) method returns Dynamic that contains ID field, which is filled with "SELECT @@IDENTITY". It gets last inserted ID from global scope, which is obvious bug (apparent in multithreading scenarios).

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