
I want to add and empty item (display value is blank, item height is kept as normal) to an Ext.form.ComboBox. I refered 2 links below to configure my combobox, but it still not display the empty item:

Here is my code:

this.abcCombo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
    name : 'abcCombo',
    hiddenName : 'abcCombo-id',
    fieldLabel : "My Combobox",
    width : 250,
    editable : false,
    forceSelection : true,
    mode : 'local',
    triggerAction : 'all',
    valueField : 'id',
    displayField : 'fullName',
    store : new{
        fields : ['id', 'fullName']
    tpl : '<tpl for="."><div class="x-combo-list-item">{fullName}&nbsp;</div></tpl>'

The combobox store's data will be loaded after an Ajax request (i.e 3 items in data items). And the combobox has only 3 item (not 4 as I expected). Do you have any idea about my problem?! Thank you so much!

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Since your adding the combobox values later, why not just initialize the store with one blank value:

store : new{
    fields : ['id', 'fullName'],
    data : [{id: 0, fullName: ''}]

Later when you do store.add(theRestOfThem), that blank one will still be there.

Had to revisit this today (15 Apr 2017) for ExtJS 4.2:

The easiest way is to include an empty string in the store as above, it can also be done with a load listener on the store:

    load: function(store, records) 
        store.insert(0, [{
            fullName: '',
            id: null

Then add a tpl config to the combobox with &nbsp; after the display field:

tpl: '<tpl for="."><div class="x-boundlist-item">{fullName}&nbsp;</div></tpl>',

(the display field is fullName in the OPs case)


You can add an "empty" record at the beginning:

 listeners: {
     load: function(store, records) {
          store.insert(0, [{
              fullName: '&nbsp;',
              id: null
this.abcCombo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
    name : 'abcCombo',
    hiddenName : 'abcCombo-id',
    fieldLabel : "My Combobox",
    width : 250,
    editable : false,
    forceSelection : true,
    mode : 'local',
    triggerAction : 'all',
    valueField : 'id',
    displayField : 'fullName',
    store : new{
       fields : ['id', 'fullName']
    tpl : '<tpl for="."><div class="x-combo-list-item">{fullName}&nbsp;</div></tpl>'

    //make sure to add this
    //if not added, empty item height is very small
    listConfig : {
        getInnerTpl: function () {
            return '<table><tr><td height="12">{fullName}</td></tr></table>';


on initializing the component, you can do this (on controller):

populateMyComboBox([yourComboBoxComponent], true);

on the populate function:

populateMyComboBox : function(comboBox, insertEmpty) {
    var list;
    if (insertEmpty) {
        list.push({id : 0, fullName : ''});

    var mStore = Ext.create('', {
        fields: ['data', 'label'],
        data : list.concat([real_data])


This is how we can add a blank field in Combo box

In java Map or any other collection put key value like this

fuelMap.put("","&nbsp;"); // we need to add "&nbsp;" not ""," " or null 
                          // because these will add a fine blank line in Combobox 
                          // which will be hardly noticeable.

In js file, it should be like this :

Listener for combo box

listeners: {
    select: function (comp, record, index) {
        if (comp.getValue() === "" || comp.getValue() === "&nbsp;") {

In Ext 4.2.1 (probably others), just add to combobox config:

tpl : '<tpl for="."><div class="x-boundlist-item">{fullName}&nbsp;</div></tpl>'

If the store uses inline data then store.load even won't fire. Maybe there is a better solution, but I ended up inserting store records on combobox.render:

    xtype: 'combo',
    displayField: 'name',
    valueField: 'value',
    store: {
        type: 'MyInlineStore',
    listeners: {
        render: function(el){
            el.getStore().insert(0, [{name: '[Any]', value: ''}]);
            el.setValue(''); //select [Any] by default
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