
Hello i'm working on a j2ee web app with spring 3.0.5 implementing the front controller pattern, with it's dispatcher servlet without the controller using

<mvc:view-controller path="/" view-name="home"/>

with ViewResolver. the pages are in WEB-INF/views and images are in /public/images. it's seems like images are not showing even with width and height specify.

<img src="/public/images/Home.png" width="110px" height="110px" />

i'm wondering is there is something i'm ignoring or that i should know and do? thanks for reading this.

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Yeah, you need to tell spring where to server static resources from. Try something like this:

  <mvc:resources location="/public/images" mapping="//public/image/**"/>

Here's a link to more documentation: check section 15.12.4

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