
This is part of the code I am using to draw some random circles:

if(circles.length != 0) { //1+ circles have already been drawn
  x = genX(radius);
  y = genY(radius);
  var i = 0;
  for(i in circles) {
    var thisCircle = circles[i];
    if(Math.abs(x-thisCircle["x"])+Math.abs(y-thisCircle["y"])>radius*2) {
    } else {
      x = genX(radius);
      y = genY(radius);
      continue iCantThinkOfAGoodLabelName;

    if(i == circles.length - 1) { //Last iteration
      //Draw circle, add to array

The problem is that when there is an overlap, the circle with the newly generated coordinates is not checked for overlap with the circles that the overlapping circle had already been checked with. I have tried setting i to 0 before using the continue statement but that did not work. Please help, I am really confused.

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You should not use for ... in on arrays.

Use for(var i = 0; i < circles.length; ++i) instead. Then you can reset by setting i = 0.


Why not use a standard for loop

for (var i=0,l = circles.length;i < l; i++) {

   if (i === l) {
     // draw

I'm not fully understanding the question, but I do not believe you can reset the iterations of a You'll need to go to a for(var i=0;...;i++).

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