
Attempting to build .exe using py2exe: python py2exe , receiving error:

ImportError: No module named suds

I have done some research which suggests that the module(s) have to be specifically included in Here is my

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

setup(console = [{'script':''}],
        options = {
            'py2exe': {
                'bundle_files' : 1,
                'includes' : ['suds']

I've tried including the package names suds.client, suds.transport.https, but the error persists. py2exe seems to have several module specific requirements found here, but I do not see any suds specific documentation.

Found some information on how py2exe finds necessary modules here. The output of

C:\Python27>python -m -d /path/to/
run_script ''
    load_module '__main__' 'fp' ''
        load_module 'binascii' None None
    load_module -> Module('binascii')
    ImportError: 'No module named suds'
    ImportError: 'No module named suds'
load_module -> Module('__main__', '')

  Name                      File
  ----                      ----
m __main__        
m binascii

Missing modules:
? suds.client imported from __main__
? suds.transport.https imported from __main__

Has anyone successfully built an executable with py2exe from a script using suds packages?

OS: Windows 7 32-bit, Python: 2.7, suds: 0.4, py2exe 0.6.9

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Problem is not with py2exe, I've narrowed it down to the imp.find_module call at line 498 in py2exe/ The suds module imports OK, and I can see it in sys.path, but

import imp
imp.find_module('suds', sys.path)

reports no module found.

Opening a followup question that is specific to imp module.


Generally, importing required libraries inside of a setup script helps these kinds of problems. After the import py2exe line, try import suds.

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