
To clarify, I am looking for a way to perform a global search and replace on the previous command used. ^word^replacement^ only seems to replace the first match.

Is there some set option that is eluding me?

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Try this:

$ echo oneone
$ !!:gs/one/two/    # Repeats last command; substitutes 'one' --> 'two'.


Blending my answer here with John Feminella's you can do this if you want an alias:

$alias dothis='`history -p "!?monkey?:gs/jpg/png/"`'
$ls *.jpg

The !! only does the previous command, while !?string? matches the most recent command containing "string".

This solution uses Bash Substring Replacement:

$ SENTENCE="1 word, 2 words";echo "${SENTENCE//word/replacement}"
1 replacement, 2 replacements

Note the use of the double slashes denotes "global" string replacement.

This solution can be executed in one line.

Here's how to globally replace a string in a file named "myfile.txt":

$ sed -i -e "s/word/replacement/g" myfile.txt

A nasty way to get around this could be something like this:

Want to echo BAABAA rather than BLABLA by swapping L's for A's

$ echo "BLABLA"   
$ `echo "!!" | sed 's/L/A/g'`
$(echo "echo "BLABLA" " | sed 's/L/A/g')

Unfortunately this technique doesn't seem to work in functions or aliases.

I test it on SUSE 10.1. "^word^replacement^" doesn't work, while "^word^replacement" works well. for a instance:

linux-geek:/home/Myworks # ls /etc/   
linux-geek:/home/Myworks # ^ls^cat  
cat /etc/  
include /etc/*.conf  
linux-geek:/home/Myworks #   
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