
I got a strange problem while used luabind to return a stl::vector::iterator to lua script.

Below is the code:

1) I created two function they are called by lua script:

std::vector<car*> get_car_list()
    std::vector<car*>* vec = new std::vector<car*>();
    vec->push_back(new car("I'm the 1st"));
    vec->push_back(new car("I'm the 2nd")); 
    return *vec;

void output(const std::string& msg)
    std::cout << "lua:" << msg << std::endl;

2) I bind the function to lua

    luabind::def("get_car_list", &get_car_list, luabind::return_stl_iterator)

    luabind::def("output", &output)

3) I do the script like below:

function test()
    items  = get_car_list();
    for item in items do

4) The result is: In the output window, It only show:

lua:I'm the 1st

And the program is break in the luabind/policy.hpp:754

template <>
struct default_converter<std::string>
  : native_converter_base<std::string>

    void to(lua_State* L, std::string const& value)
        lua_pushlstring(L,, value.size()); // !!Break Here with Error EXC_BAD_ACCESS

I want to display all the elements in the std::vector, but it only show the first one and crash.

Thanks you very much! :)


No correct solution

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