
I am writing a compiler in Ocaml. The tracback works well when I compile and test it with make in a terminal, for instance:

./Simpler-Basic test.sib
Fatal error: exception Match_failure("", 45, 21)
Called from file "", line 97, characters 72-86
Called from file "", line 74, characters 24-34
Called from file "", line 108, characters 9-35
Called from file "", line 54, characters 4-17
make: *** [all] Error 2

But when I compile and test it in my Emacs by Meta-x compile followed by make, it does not show the traceback part in the buffer:

./Simpler-Basic test.sib
Fatal error: exception Match_failure("", 45, 21)
make: *** [all] Error 2

Compilation exited abnormally with code 2 at Sat Jun 18 19:03:04

There is a part in my .emacs to do traceback that I copied from a friend:

Could anyone tell me how to amend my .emacs so that it shows traceback as in a terminal? Thank you very much

No correct solution

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