

I'm running php 5.3 (5.3.8) with memcache (2.2.6) client library ( to deal with memcached server. My goal is to have failover solution for sessions engine, namely:

  • Only native php sessions support (no custom handlers)
  • Few memcached servers in the pool

What I expect is that in case if one of memcached servers is down, php will attempt to utilize the second server in the pool [will successfully connect it and become happy], however when first memcached server in the pool is down I'm receiving the following error:

Session start failed. Original message: session_start(): Server (tcp 11211) failed with: Connection refused (111)

while relevant php settings are:

session.save_handler memcache
session.save_path tcp://, tcp://

and memcache settings (while I think that it's near to standard) are:

Directive   Local Value
memcache.allow_failover 1
memcache.chunk_size 8192
memcache.default_port   11211
memcache.default_timeout_ms 1000
memcache.hash_function  crc32
memcache.hash_strategy  standard
memcache.max_failover_attempts  20

Memcached still running on the second server and perfectly accessible from the WEB server:

telnet  11211
Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.
get aaa
Connection closed by foreign host.

So in other words, instead of querying all of the listed servers sequentially it crashes after unsuccessful attempt to connect the first server in the queue. Finally I do realize that there are releases of 3.0.x client library available, however it does not look too reliable for me as it still in beta version.

Please advice how can I get desired behavior with standard PHP, client lib and server.

Thanks a lot!

Best, Eugene

No correct solution

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