
I am looking for a Python based nonblocking web server environment that is designed to handle large number of simultaneous connections and be responsive under heavy load (C10K). I need it as a backend for my webapp. In a typical scenario the webapp client will be making several calls to the server using WebSockets.

So far I've found 2 options in python land.

Outside python there is of course node.js, but I would prefer python coding environment if possible.

Which one of the above two (or others that I don't know) would you recommend? What are pros-cons? Or should I roll my own framework by writing some non-blocking frontend for

My concern is, although both the above projects seem to have good community support, they are not as mainstream as Django, CherryPy, Pylon etc. Therefore I am afraid of making a choice that may end up with poor support in future.

No correct solution

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