
Here is the situation:
I have a table value function with a datetime parameter ,lest's say tdf(p_date) , that filters about two million rows selecting those with column date smaller than p_date and computes some aggregate values on other columns.
It works great but if p_date is a custom scalar value function (returning the end of day in my case) the execution plan is altered an the query goes from 1 sec to 1 minute execution time.

A proof of concept table - 1K products, 2M rows:

    [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [idProduct] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Quantity] [int] NOT NULL

The inline table value function:

CREATE FUNCTION tdf (@p_date datetime)
    SELECT idProduct, SUM(Quantity) AS TotalQuantity,
         max(Date) as LastDate
    WHERE (Date < @p_date)
    GROUP BY idProduct

The scalar value function:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[EndOfDay] (@date datetime)
RETURNS datetime
    DECLARE @res datetime
    SET @res=dateadd(second, -1,
         dateadd(day, 1, 
             dateadd(ms, -datepart(ms, @date),
                 dateadd(ss, -datepart(ss, @date),
                    dateadd(mi,- datepart(mi,@date),
                         dateadd(hh, -datepart(hh, @date), @date))))))
    RETURN @res

Query 1 - Working great

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tdf] (getdate())

The end of execution plan: Stream Aggregate Cost 13% <--- Clustered Index Scan Cost 86%

Query 2 - Not so great

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tdf] (dbo.EndOfDay(getdate()))

The end of execution plan: Stream Aggregate Cost 4% <--- Filter Cost 12% <--- Clustered Index Scan Cost 86%

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The overhead is your scalar function.

The TVF here is expanded like an inline macro so

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tdf] (getdate())


SELECT     idProduct, SUM(Quantity) AS TotalQuantity, max(Date) as LastDate
    FROM         POC
    WHERE     Date < getdate()
    GROUP BY idProduct

When you use end of day scalar function, SQL can not evaluate the EOD(GETDATE()) as a constant. I can't find my article quickly on how SQL evaluates this stuff, sorry.

I guess that it's being evaluated for each row, not upfront as you want.

I'd calulate the EOD statement separately:

DECLARE @eod datetime;
SET @eod = dbo.EndOfDay(getdate());
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tdf] (@eod)

I'd also use this for the EOD function:

DATEADD(second, -1, DATEADD(day, 1, (DATEDIFF(day, 0, @date))))

EDIT: Other question I answered


You can rewrite EndOfDay as an inline UDF too, and use nested inline UDFs. Examples:

Many nested inline UDFs are very fast

Calculating third Wednesday of the month with inline UDFs

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