Can one reference a same-named implicit property in an explicit Interface implementation?


  •  19-08-2019
  •  | 


Say I have a type that implements a property with a string type:

public class Record
     public string Value { get; set; }

Then I have an interface that defines a property with the same name:

public interface IIntValued
     public int Value { get; set; }

I can use explicit interface as follows:

public class Record : IIntValued
     public string Value { get; set; }
     int IIntValued.Value 
          get{ return 0; } set{}

However, if I want to be able to reference the string "Value" in my explicit interface, can I do it? If so, how? I imagine it to be something like:

public class Record : IIntValued
     public string Value { get; set; }
     public int IIntValued.Value 
               string value = /*Magic here*/.Value;
               return int.parse(value); 

As you can see, I want the "string valued" "Value" property for an expression in the "int valued" "Value" property. If it were another explicitly implemented interface member, I could typecast to that Interface and then use, but how would it work for an implicit type member?

Note: The example is a bit contrived, but hopefully demonstrates the language question.

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For an implicit type member, just Value or this.Value should be fine - because it won't resolve to IIntValued.Value by default.


Sure you can! The problem is that you were placing accessibility keywords where they are illegal. Explicitly-implemented members can not have an accessibility keyword. An implicitly-implemented would be written with out the IIntValue. prefix to the member name.

Here's a sample that works.

public interface IIntValued
  int Value { get; set; }

public class Record : IIntValued
  public string Value { get; set; }
  int IIntValued.Value
      string value = this.Value;
      return int.Parse(value);
    set { }

Yes, you can access both properties. It depends on the type of the variable used to access the property. Observe:

Record myInstanceAsRecord = myInstance;
IIntValued myInstanceAsIIntValued = myinstance;

string valueAsString = myInstanceAsRecord.Value;
int valueAsInt = myInstanceAsIIntValued.Value;

Ugh, after writing the summary, I realized that I knew the answer. :P If I take this and typecast it to the class type, then the explict implementation will not be included:

string value = ((Record)this).Value; //is the implicit string.

Edit: After some further input (Thanks responders!) it was pointed out that there is no need to manually do something that the compiler is doing automatically. Thus:

string value = this.Value;

would have worked. This is, of course, because the this is not an interface variable, and so the implicit property would be the one selected by default.

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