
I am creating a web app with Struts2, and I am having an issue with the mapped actions working with any url.

In my struts.xml file, I have configured a package with a namespace of "/registration" with a few actions, with the main one being "register". The context root of my app is "app/test".

To access the registration form, I can go to "localhost:8080/app/test/registration/register.action" and it loads up my form and works great.

However, if anything is added to the URL after the namespace, such as "localhost:8080/app/test/registration/arbitrary/text/here/register.action", the form is still loaded up.

I would like to prevent this from happening, so that you can only access the form the proper URL. I have tried many different configuration options in struts.xml and web.xml to no avail, and I cannot find knowledge on this issue easily on the web.

Any help will be appreciated, thanks!


    <package name="myPackage" namespace="/registration" extends="struts-default">
            <result-type name="tiles" class="org.apache.struts2.views.tiles.TilesResult"/>
        <action name="register" class="edu.uconn.test.action.RegistrationAction" method="input">
            <result name="input" type="tiles">/register.tiles</result>

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