
I want to write a C++ metafunction is_callable<F, Arg> that defines value to be true, if and only if the type F has the function call operator of the form SomeReturnType operator()(const Arg &). For example, in the following case

struct foo {
  void operator(const int &) {}

I want is_callable<foo, int &> to be false and is_callable<foo, const int &> to be true. This is what I have so far :

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

template<typename F, typename Arg>
struct is_callable {

  static char (&test(...))[2];

  struct helper {
    typedef void *type;

  template<typename UVisitor>
  static char test(
               typename helper<
                 sizeof(std::declval<UVisitor>()(std::declval<Arg>()), 0)
  static const bool value = (sizeof(test<F>(0)) == sizeof(char));

struct foo {
  void operator()(const int &) {}

using namespace std;

int main(void)
  cout << is_callable<foo, int &>::value << "\n";
  cout << is_callable<foo, const int &>::value << "\n";

  return 0;

This prints 1 and 1, but I want 0 and 1 because foo only defines void operator()(const int &).

No correct solution

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