
Can anyone check on my statement...

DECLARE @tblName varchar(MAX), 
        @strSQL varchar(MAX)

SET @tblName ='SELECT DISTINCT as TableName 
                 FROM sysobjects o 
                 JOIN sysindexes x on =  
                WHERE LIKE ''%empty%'''  

SET @strSQL = 'INSERT INTO @tblName VALUES(''trylng'', ''1'')'
EXEC (@strSQL)

my error is...

Msg 1087, Level 15, State 2, Line 1
Must declare the table variable "@tblName".

What I want to do is get the table name on the variable @tblName and insert some data in @strSQL variable

For example... the result in @tblName is CustomerInfo

then in @strSQL I will going to use the result in @tblName as my table name in my Insert Command.

So the @strSQL variable will be;

INSERT INTO CustomerInfo VALUES(......)

No correct solution

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