
I'm using the validationEngine script to validate a form. I init it with:


I do not really submit the form through a submit button. I use an anchor element with an onclick event which calls a saveElement() function. In this function I call:


which works just fine.

Right after that, I reset the fields (for example, the content of input fields to "") through which the fields which are required start showing errors.

To prevent those errors from occurring, I would like to remove the validationEngine from the form element. But I just can't remove it. I tried various options, including the ones below, but none of them worked.

$('#formid').validationEngine('hideAll'); // To hide the error messages
$('#formid').validationEngine('detach');  // To remove the validationEngine

Does anyone have a suggestion how I can remove the validationEngine?


It really seams like there is no unbind method. I've added a issue into the github project. Maybe they will implement an unbind method:

As a workaround I came up with the following solutions: You could either:

  • Use jQuery.clone() to copy the form without the events, remove the original form and add the validationEngine to the form again
  • Remove the validation classes on the form elements, store them in an array and insert them again after resetting the form

Still open

Maybe there is a better solution or workaround. If you know one, please let me know.

No correct solution

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