
I've been using fabric and boto to start up new ec2 hosts for some temporary processing but I've always had trouble knowing when I can connect to the host. The problem is that I can ask ec2 when something is ready but it's never really ready.

This is the process that I've noticed works best (though it still sucks):

  1. Poll ec2 until it says that the host it "active"
  2. Poll ec2 until it has a public_dns_name
  3. Try to connect to the new host in a loop until it accepts the connection

But sometimes it accepts the connection seemingly before it knows about the ssh key pair that I've associated it with and then asks for a password.

Is there a better way to decide when I can start connecting to my ec2 hosts after they've started up? Has anyone written a library that does this nicely and efficiently?

No correct solution

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