
When I search for a URL in the TortoiseSVN Repository Browser (that I know exists), it prompts me for the password for the username I have entered. However, it always says my password is denied (I know for a fact that I have the right password). After a number of attempts, I tried closing the password prompt. It takes a good 5 - 10 closes before it finally stops.

The repository browser then says

To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion configuration file. Network connection closed unexpectedly.

To start, I didn't access this from any command line, so I'm not sure what this -q thing is. Secondly, I'm not sure what this 'Subversion configuration file' is.

Does anyone have any ideas? Is this is a common TortoiseSVN problem?

No correct solution

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