
I have a custom class MyCustomType. In that class I have a property MyCustomProperty of type bool and another property MyCustomProperty1 of type bool also.

I need to check if MyCustomProperty is true in my View. I`m doing the following thing:

<%if ( TempData[ViewDataConstants.MyCustomTypeKey] != null && ((MyCustomType)TempData[ViewDataConstants.MyCustomTypeKey]).MyCustomProperty %>show some custom content.

But for some reason when Im running it I see error message that MyCustomTYpe could not be found are you missing an assembly reference bla-bla-bla. MyCustomType is in my controller its public and to check I even added a reference to the view. But it keep saying that there`s no MyCustomType class. What am I doing wrong?

Interesting, for some reason when I moved it to Common from Controllers namespace it suddenly worked. Still dont see why its not working while in Controllers namespace. Both namespaces were included explicitly in the view.

No correct solution

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