
This is probably a very strange question, and it definitely is. I'm not too familiar on how programming languages are made with conventional methods, so I'm wondering, is it possible to design a syntaxless programming language? This means that any input will be valid and perform a certain calculation , and the same input will always do the same thing. There will be no syntax error (logic and runtime errors are allowed, the program can crash, do random calculations etc).

I thought of this because genetics are basically, to my understanding, like that.

Edit: I think there are some misunderstandings. Syntaxless simply means that all input will compute, that the interpreter/compiled program will follow that specific set of instructions, however random it maybe.

Also it has to match the fact that every input has 1 and only 1 output. Having something such as the syntax error violates that rule.

Edit 2 Many people are getting Hung up on the syntax part. Forget about the syntax, focus on the fact that ANY input will produce an UNIQUE output.

No correct solution

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