
When outputting a log of streaming errors on Oracle 10g, the log does not show values for timestamp fields; instead it simply shows "timestamp is SYS.TIMESTAMP" as the old and new value. Is there any way to configure Oracle streams to show the actual timestamp value? We need this information to properly debug the root cause of these streaming errors.

For example, executing the following:

exec strmadmin.print_errors;

Gives us this (truncated) error log:

----- ERROR #1                                                                                                          
----- Local Transaction ID: 10.31.14788721                                                                              
----- Source Database: <REMOVED>                                                                          
----Error Number: 1403                                                                                                  
----Message Text: ORA-01403: no data found

--message: 1                                                                                                            
type name: SYS.LCR$_ROW_RECORD                                                                                          
source database: <REMOVED>                                                                                
owner: <REMOVED>                                                                                                         
object: TPRODUCT                                                                                                        
is tag null: Y                                                                                                          
command_type: UPDATE                                                                                                    
old(1): UIDPK                                                                                                           
old(2): LAST_MODIFIED_DATE                                                                                              
typename is SYS.TIMESTAMP                                                                              

No correct solution

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