
I'm developing a small tray-icon application for Windows and I need to display non-intrusive visual notifications similar to those that appear when you receive a new message in MSN Messenger or any other IM application.

I have looked at Snarl, but it seems to be a separate application that I need to install. I want something that could be bundled with my application in one installer, a library.

Which one do you recommend?

Python support is a huge plus.

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You can do it by depending on a GUI library.

For example, with PyQt,it is possible :


I wrote one for .NET for the Genghis project (link here) a while back. Looks like it is over at MS CodePlex now. Look for the "AniForm" class. Here is a screenshot.

It has more of an older MSN Messenger look and feel but should get you started.

Are you developing the application in Python? It depends what GUI toolkit you're using.

If you're using wxPython, you could try ToasterBox, or the wxPopupWindow.

You don't need anyhting. Just use toasters windows with Win32 api

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