
I have a series of CodedUI test methods that make up a single test case. The test methods need to run in order (IE testmethoda runs then testmethodb and then testmethodc) and I want the results to show up in Microsoft Test Manager to look like testmethoda passed, testmethodb passed, testmethodc failed. Is there a way to do this while being able to run multiple iterations of the overall test case?

I have tried are putting the test methods into a single test method and calling that. This gives me the desired test order and the ability to make multiple test runs, but test manager shows a single pass/fail on the entire test case.

I have also tried attaching a datasource to the individual test methods and ordering them in test manager which gives me the desired test results in test manager but has the side effect that if i want to run more than one data row the order gets messed up. For example 3 data rows would run:




I want them to run:

testmethodc etc..

I have thought about using an ordered test as well but that still shows up as a single test in MTM and there isn't a method I am aware of to data drive it anyways so it would have it's own problems.

Is there a feature that I am missing in VS or MTM to get these results? Maybe a method that would allow me to define a test run in the results file? Would writing/editing the trx file get my results into MTM? I have a feeling I would also have to make changes to the TFS database which isn't an option.

No correct solution

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